⬤ What are the words about weather in Swedish?
Learn essential Swedish weather vocabulary with our interactive page! Explore words like “sol” (sun), “regn” (rain), “vind” (wind), and “snö” (snow) to describe the weather in Swedish easily. This guide includes images, audio, and engaging games to help you remember terms like “moln” (cloud), “kall” (cold), and “varm” (warm). Perfect for beginner and intermediate learners, this page makes it simple to follow Swedish weather forecasts and talk about daily conditions. Build your Swedish language skills as you practice these key weather words and become more confident in conversations.
⬤ Weather vocabulary – Väder
⬤ The weather word list – Väderordlista
- väder (n) : weather
- sol : sun
- solig : sunny
- solsken (n) : sunshine
- varm : hot
- kall : cold
- regn (n) : rain
- regnig : rainy
- vind : wind
- blåsig : windy
- snö : snow
- snöig : snowy
- dimma : fog
- dimmig : foggy
- dis (n) : mist
- disig : misty
- snöblandat regn (n) : sleet
- skur : shower
- hagel (n) : hail
- moln (n) : cloud
- regnbåge : rainbow
- klar : clear
- storm : storm
- översvämning : flood
- frost : frost
- is : ice
- smälta : melt
- duggregn (n) : drizzle
- bris : breeze
- mulet : overcast
- åska : thunder
- blixt : lightning
- fuktig : humid
- åskväder (n) : thunderstorm
- kuling : gale
- tromb : tornado
- orkan : hurricane
- väderprognos : weather forecast
- torka : drought
- värmebölja : heat wave
- temperatur : temperature
- luftfuktighet : humidity
- termometer : thermometer
- högtryck (n) : high pressure
- lågtryck (n) : low pressure
- barometer : barometer
- grad : degree
- klimat (n) : climate
- klimatförändring : climate change
- global uppvärmning : global warming
⬤ Flashcards exercise
You will see images of weather conditions on flashcards. Try to guess the meaning and then click on the card to see the answer.⬤ Picture quiz
This quiz tests your vocabulary knowledge about the weather with the pictures. Here select the correct option that corresponds to the image.
⬤ Listening test with pictures
Click on the play button and listen to the audio. Then choose the relevant image from the list.
⬤ Writing test with pictures
Try to type the name of the image correctly into the text box. Every correct answer will give you 10 points.
⬤ Spelling test
This is a listening and spelling test to teach the weather vocabulary. Start the test by clicking on the “Start” button so that you will be able to see the play button. Click on the play button to hear the audio about the weather. Now try to type the word you hear correctly into the text box.