Vegetables Vocabulary in Swedish – Grönsaksordförråd på svenska

What are the vegetables in Swedish?

Learn essential vegetables vocabulary in Swedish to expand your language skills! Vegetables, or “grönsaker,” are an important part of daily conversation and cooking. Start by mastering common words like “potatis” (potato), “morot” (carrot), and “tomat” (tomato). Knowing these words will help you talk about meals, shop for groceries, or even follow Swedish recipes. This page offers vocabulary lists, images, audio pronunciations, and interactive games to make learning fun and effective. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve, practicing these words will boost your Swedish vocabulary and confidence. Dive in and explore the world of Swedish vegetables today!

Vegetables vocabulary – Grönsaksordförråd på svenska

Flashcards exercise about vegetables

The flashcards below have vegetable images on them. Click to see the names of the vegetables in English.

Picture quiz about vegetables

Question: Points:

Vegetables – listening test with pictures

Question: Points:

Writing test with pictures

Question: Points:

Spelling test about vegetables

Question: Points:

Swedish vocabulary categories