Numbers in Swedish – Siffror på svenska

Numbers are the key to understanding and expressing quantities in Swedish, whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply want toenrich your language skills. Being able to count, calculate, and talk about quantity is a vital part of mastering the language. Imagine needing to say how many books you’ve read for a school assignment, or ordering a coffee with two sugars at a coffee shop. Maybe you need to talk about the price of a sweater that costs 199 kronor in the store. Whatever the reason, this page is your perfect starting point for learning Swedish numbers

What are the numbers in Swedish?

In Swedish we have two basic groups of numbers: cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.

  • Grundtal: These are cardinal numbers that indicate the quantity of something. You can find out these numbers by asking “Hur många?” (How many?) Example: tre bilar (three cars)
  • Ordningstal: Dessa är ordningstal som anger positionen i en lista. (These are ordinal numbers that indicate the position in a list.) 1:a lektionen (1st lesson) – Note: “a” is added after the number for ordinal numbers in Swedish for most cases (except “etthundra” for 100th). 6:e veckan (6th week), 14:e kandidaten (14th candidate)

Swedish numbers list – Siffror på svenska

Here is a list of numbers in Swedish. Click on the numbers to learn the pronunciation.

Numbers 1-20

  • 1 one:1 ett
  • 2 two:2 två
  • 3 three:3 tre
  • 4 four:4 fyra
  • 5 five:5 fem
  • 6 six:6 sex
  • 7 seven:7 sju
  • 8 eight:8 åtta
  • 9 nine:9 nio
  • 10 ten:10 tio
  • 11 eleven:11 elva
  • 12 twelve:12 tolv
  • 13 thirteen:13 tretton
  • 14 fourteen:14 fjorton
  • 15 fifteen:15 femton
  • 16 sixteen:16 sexton
  • 17 seventeen:17 sjutton
  • 18 eighteen:18 arton
  • 19 nineteen:19 nitton
  • 20 twenty:20 tjugo

How to write big numbers in Swedish

Ordinal numbers

  • 1:a den första
  • 2:a den andra
  • 3:a den tredje
  • 4:an den fjärde
  • 5:an den femte
  • 6:an den sjätte
  • 7:e den sjunde
  • 8:an den åttonde
  • 9:e den nionde
  • 10:e den tionde
  • 11:e den elfte
  • 12 den tolfte
  • 13:e den trettonde
  • 14 den fjortonde
  • 15:e den femtonde
  • 16:e den sextonde
  • 17:e den sjuttonde
  • 18:e den artonde
  • 19:e den nittonde
  • 20:e den tjugonde
  • 21:e den tjugoförsta

Games to play

Flashcards game about numbers

This activity teaches numbers in Swedish with a handy flashcards game. You can see cards with numbers below. Say the number in Swedish. If you click on an image, the cards will flip. In this way you can see the answer.
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image
numbers flashcards image

Swedish numbers exercises

It is obvious that without evaluation of your knowledge we can’t say that you know a specific subject. Therefore you need practice. That is why we have prepared you some online quizzes and tests below.

Picture quiz about Swedish numbers

Here is a picture quiz about numbers. Look at the image and select the number from the list. Each correct answer gives you 10 points.
Question: Points:
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Listening test with pictures

If you have difficulty in listening and identifying the figures in Swedish, then this listening test is for you. First, click the play button and listen the number. Then select the number from the list. Giving correct answers makes 10 points.
Question: Points:
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Writing test

Below is a writing test about numbers in Swedish. Firstly, look at the picture and then write the name of the image in the text box. For the correct answers you will get 10 points.
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Spelling test

Here is a spelling test about the numbers. In this test firstly listen to the number first. Then write what the figures you hear in the text box. For every correct answer you get 10 points.
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Swedish vocabulary categories