⬤ Names of food in Swedish
Hungry to learn Swedish food vocabulary? Discover essential Swedish words for everyday foods and ingredients in this comprehensive lesson. From basic terms like bröd (bread), kött (meat), and äpple (apple) to some dishes you’ll find in Swedish restaurants, this guide has you covered. Whether you’re grocery shopping in Stockholm, ordering at a café, or discussing your favorite Swedish recipes, these food-related words are essential for your language journey. Our interactive lesson features clear audio pronunciation, clear images, and engaging games to help you remember each tasty term. Start building your Swedish food vocabulary today!
⬤ Some food names in Swedish
Here is the list of food in Swedish with pictures. If you want to learn the pronunciations, just click on an image.⬤ Food vocabulary – Matordförråd
- kött (n): meat
- nötkött (n): beef
- kyckling: chicken
- anka: duck
- lammkött (n): lamb
- lever: liver
- färs: mince
- salami: salami
- korv: sausages
- bacon (n): bacon
- kalkon: turkey
- kalvkött (n): veal
- fisk: fish
- smör (n): butter
- grädde: cream
- ost: cheese
- getost: goats cheese
- omelett: omelet
- ägg (n): eggs
- margarin (n): margarine
- mjölk: milk
- mellanmjölk: semi-skimmed milk
- lättmjölk: skimmed milk
- yoghurt: yoghurt
- bröd (n): bread
- pitabröd (n): pita bread
- limpa: loaf
- brödlimpa: loaf of bread
- kaka: cake
- bakpulver (n): baking powder
- mjöl (n): flour
- vete (n): wheat
- majsmjöl (n): cornflour
- socker (n): sugar
- pasta: pasta
- makaroner: macaroni
- smördeg: pastry
- äggröra: scrambled eggs
- jäst: yeast
- soppa: soup
- sallad: salad
- efterrätt: dessert
- nudlar: noodles
- pasta: pasta
- pizza: pizza
- ris (n): rice
- spaghetti: spaghetti
- cornflakes (n): cornflakes
- honung: honey
- sylt: jam
- rostat bröd (n): toast
- ketchup: ketchup
- majonnäs: mayonnaise
- senap: mustard
- peppar: pepper
- salt (n): salt
- vinäger: vinegar
- kex (n): biscuits
- choklad: chocolate
- popcorn (n): popcorn
- godis (n): candy
- klubba: lollipop
- omslag (n): wrapper
- cookie: cookie
- paj: pie
- tuggummi (n): gum
- glass: ice-cream
- strut: cone
- chips (n): crisps
- nötter: nuts
- oliver: olives
- jordnötter: peanuts
- karameller: sweets
- valnötter: walnuts
- kanel: cinnamon
- spiskummin: cumin
⬤ Flashcards exercise about food
You can see images of food on the flashcards below. You can tap on the cards to see the food names.⬤ Picture quiz about food vocabulary
⬤ Listening test with pictures
⬤ Writing test with pictures
⬤ Spelling test about food