⬤ What are the family members in Swedish?
Vocabulary for family members is a fundamental aspect of the Swedish language. A family, or ‘familj’, is the cornerstone of society. Family members, or ‘familjemedlemmar’, often have genetic connections and typically share a common family name, or ‘efternamn’. It is common for family members to reside together. An extended family, or ‘släkt’, includes grandparents, or ‘mor/farföräldrar’, uncles, or ‘farbröder/morbröder’, aunts, or ‘fastrar/mostrar’, cousins, or ‘kusiner’, and so on.
⬤ Family members – Familjemedlemmars ordförråd
This is a list of family members vocabulary with images. If you want to learn the pronunciation of a word, just click on the image.⬤ Word list about family members
- familj : family
- far : father
- pappa : dad
- mor : mother
- mamma : mom (US) / mum (UK)
- son : son
- dotter : daughter
- förälder : parent
- barn (n) : child
- barn (n) : children
- make : husband
- maka : wife
- bror : brother
- syster : sister
- farbror : uncle (paternal)
- morbror : uncle (maternal)
- faster : aunt (paternal)
- moster : aunt (maternal)
- brorson : nephew
- systerson : nephew
- brorsdotter : niece
- systerdotter : niece
- kusin : cousin
- farfar : grandfather (paternal)
- morfar : grandfather (maternal)
- farfar : granddad
- morfar : grandpa
- farmor : grandmother (paternal)
- mormor : grandmother (maternal)
- farmor : granny
- mormor : granny
- morföräldrar : grandparents (maternal)
- farföräldrar : grandparents (paternal)
- barnbarn (n) : grandson
- barnbarn (n) : granddaughter
- barnbarn (n) : grandchild
- släkting : relative
- tvilling : twin
- bebis (n) : baby
- styvfar : stepfather
- styvmor : stepmother
- styvson : stepson
- styvdotter : stepdaughter
- styvbror : stepbrother
- styvsyster : stepsister
- halvsyster : half-sister
- halvbror : half-brother
- svärmor : mother-in-law
- svärfar : father-in-law
- svärson : son-in-law
- svärdotter : daughter-in-law
- svägerska : sister-in-law
- svåger : brother-in-law
- singel : single
- gift : married
- förlovad : engaged
- separerad : separated
- skild : divorced
- äktenskap (n) : marriage
- bröllop (n) : wedding
- brud : bride
- brudgum : bridegroom
⬤ Flashcards exercise
Flashcards exercise is an easy and nice way of learning vocabulary. Here is another one that has images of family members on side and the words on the other side. Guess the meaning of an image and click on it to flip the card and see the answer.⬤ Example sentences including family members
- Jag har en bror och en syster. (I have one brother and one sister.)
- Min far är tandläkare. (My father is a dentist.)
- Mina morföräldrar bor i Australien. (My grandparents live in Australia.)
- Min morbror Logan har ljust hår. (My uncle Logan has got fair hair.)
- Hej Pablo. Det här är min kusin, Carlos. (Hello Pablo. This is my cousin, Carlos.)
- Det är min mosters/fasters klänning. (It is my aunt’s dress.)
- De där är mina barn. De gillar att leka tillsammans. (Those are my children. They like playing together.)
- Jag besökte min morfar/farfar förra veckan. (I visited my grandfather last week.)
- Mina morföräldrar bor hos oss. (My grandparents live with us.)
⬤ Asking questions about family members
- Har du några bröder eller systrar? (Do you have any brothers or sisters?)
- Hur många bröder har hon? (How many brothers does she have?)
- Är din farfar i livet? (Is your grandfather alive?)
- Är Laura din brorsdotter? (Is Laura your niece?)
- Kan din far ta hand om barnet? (Can your father look after the baby?)
- Vad heter hennes dotter? (What is her daughter’s name?)
- Har du en stor eller liten familj? (Do you have a large or small family?)
- Gillar din man att läsa böcker? (Does your husband like reading books?)
⬤ Picture quiz
⬤ Listening test with pictures ![]()
⬤ Writing test with pictures
⬤ Spelling test