Drinks Vocabulary in Swedish – Dryckesvokabulär på svenska

What are the drinks in Swedish?

Expand your Swedish language skills with this comprehensive guide to drinks vocabulary (drycker) in Swedish. Whether you’re ordering at a café in Stockholm or discussing beverage preferences with Swedish friends, mastering drink-related words is essential for daily conversations. From the morning’s essential kaffe (coffee) to the traditional Swedish drinks, and the refreshing mineralvatten (sparkling water), this guide covers everyday beverages you’ll encounter in Swedish culture. Join us as we explore common drinks vocabulary through interactive exercises, clear audio pronunciations, and engaging games designed to help you remember these essential Swedish words.

Drinks vocabulary in Swedish with images

Drinks vocabulary list – Drinks vocabulary list

  • vatten (n): water
  • mjölk: milk
  • cola: cola
  • coke: coke
  • fruktjuice: fruit juice
  • apelsinjuice: orange juice
  • te (n): tea
  • tepåse: tea bag
  • iste (n): iced tea
  • lemonad: lemonade
  • läsk: pop
  • läskedrycker: soft drinks
  • soda: soda
  • mineralvatten (n): mineral water
  • kolsyrat vatten (n): sparkling water
  • kranvatten (n): tap water
  • kakao: cocoa
  • kaffe (n): coffee
  • grönt te (n): green tea
  • örtte (n): herbal tea
  • varm choklad: hot chocolate

Flashcards exercise about drinks

The flashcards below have images of drinks. Click on them to see the names of the drinks.

Picture quiz about drinks

Question: Points:

Listening test about drinks

Question: Points:

Writing test

Question: Points:

Spelling test about drinks

Question: Points:

Swedish vocabulary categories