Swedish Alphabet – svensk alfabet

The Swedish alphabet is the foundational lesson that everyone begins with, making it crucial to learn the Swedish letters. In summary, the Swedish alphabet consists of 29 letters used in the Swedish language. It includes 20 consonants and 9 vowels (A, E, I, O, U, Y, Å, Ä, Ö). These letters are based on the Latin script, with the addition of the uniquely Swedish letters Å, Ä, and Ö.

What are the Swedish alphabet letters?

  • Upper case letters (Capital letters) are:
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Å Ä Ö
  • Lower case letters (Small letters) are:
    a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z å ä ö
  • In Swedish, certain combinations of letters can represent distinct sounds, similar to the English digraphs.
  • By learning these letters and their sounds, one can begin to understand and speak the Swedish language effectively. The additional letters Å, Ä, and Ö are essential in Swedish and are treated as separate letters, not variations of A and O1.
  • Swedish alphabet and pronunciations – svensk alfabet

    Learn Swedish alphabet letters with pictures and pronunciation below. To learn how to say Swedish alphabet in Swedish click on any image.
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image
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      Swedish alphabet letters image

    Question: Points:

    Listening test of the alphabet letters

    This is a listening test for the letters in Swedish. First of all listen to the pronunciation of a letter. Then select the picture of the letter from the list. You get points for every correct answer.
    Question: Points:

    Writing test

    Question: Points:

    Spelling test online

    Get ready for spelling test about Swedish alphabet. Initially, click the button below to start the test. Then click the play button to hear the letter. If you can identify the letter, type it in the text box. For every correct letter you get 10 points.
    Question: Points:

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